

Course Schedules & Materials

In-Depth Introduction to Electricity Markets

9:30am - 12:30pm U.S. Eastern Time

NYC & Virtual

Tuesday, March 11, 2025          - Introduction to the Electricity Sector

Wednesday, March 12, 2025  - Power System Fundamentals for Understanding

                                                      Electricity Markets 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025        - Electricity Market Bids, Offers, Trades, & Prices

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - Market Regulatory Context & Business Development

In-depth Introduction to Electricity Markets covers the engineering, economic, regulatory and business aspects of U.S. wholesale and retail electricity markets in an integrated and comprehensive manner. It stresses understanding key concepts in an intuitive and accessible manner supported with numerical calculations and data.   Sessions are independent & can be attended separately.

Course Material

Electricity Market Power Monitoring & Mitigation Focusing on Energy Storage

Tuesday, April 22, 2025,   9:30am - 12:30pm U.S. Eastern Time

Virtual Only

Market power and manipulation continue to be major issues in U.S. electricity markets. This webinar discusses the definitions of market power and market manipulation, its impact on the efficiency of electricity markets, ways, sellers and buyers of electricity exercise market power and manipulate markets, and current U.S. federal and RTO/ISO policies. 

Course Material

U.S. Transmission Planning

Tuesday, May 20, 2025,   9:30am - 12:30pm U.S. Eastern Time

Virtual Only

Transmission planning is a long-standing challenge and its difficulties are being magnified by the rapid changes occurring in the electric power industry. This webinar delves into the myriad of causes and considers various solutions. Implications for generation development and operations are highlighted.

Course Material

The Continued Evolution of U.S. Western Electricity Markets

Tuesday, June 17, 2025,   9:30am - 12:30pm U.S. Eastern Time

Virtual Only

The U.S. Western electricity market is undergoing rapid changes and development.  California's electricity demand, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) wholesale electricity markets, and California's energy and environmental policies drive much of the region's market outcomes.  The Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) and the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) are also essential.  This webinar overviews the Western electricity market and explores many topics relevant to price  formation and market operations,

Course Material

U.S. Capacity Markets & Resource Adequacy with Increasing Renewables & Energy Storage

Tuesday, July 22, 2025,   9:30am - 12:30pm U.S. Eastern Time

Virtual Only

Resource adequacy is a fundamental component of power system reliability. It also serves as the modeling foundation for wholesale capacity markets. Severe weather and intermittent PV solar and wind resources, and the expansion of energy storage are challenging this modeling foundation and therefore definition and operation of capacity markets. This webinar explains how capacity markets work, how resource adequacy modeling is conducted, and how the changes in the power sector are affecting both. Business and public policy implications are also considered.

Course Material

Fundamentals of Power System Optimization, Energy Storage and Data Centers

Tuesday, September 16, 2025,   9:30am - 12:30pm U.S. Eastern Time

Virtual Only

The power system and wholesale electricity markets are organized around a sequence of optimization problems starting with economic dispatch, unity commitment, resource adequacy/capacity markets, and transmission planning. This webinar introduces optimization as a tool and way of thinking and how it is applied in electricity markets. Financial trading and business implications are discussed.

Course Material

In-Depth Introduction to Electricity Markets

9:30am - 12:30pm U.S. Eastern Time

Gatineau & Virtual

Tuesday, November 11, 2025          - Introduction to the Electricity Sector

Wednesday, November  12, 2025  - Power System Fundamentals for Understanding

                                                               Electricity Markets 

Tuesday, November 18, 2025         - Electricity Market Bids, Offers, Trades, & Prices

Wednesday, November 19, 2025  - Electricity Markets, Business, & Regulatory Olympics:                                                                                Brookfield Team Competition

In-depth Introduction to Electricity Markets covers the engineering, economic, regulatory and business aspects of U.S. wholesale and retail electricity markets in an integrated and comprehensive manner. It stresses understanding key concepts in an intuitive and accessible manner supported with numerical calculations and data.   Sessions are independent & can be attended separately.

Course Material

For participants wishing to obtain professional development  or continuing education credits per their professional requirements, a letter of attendance describing the module's content, the instructors qualifications, and other necessary data will be provided on request after the event.  Email Frank  with your request.

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